Green Olympiad Exam
What is LIVEOLYMPIAD program ?
The only Paperless Olympiad in Education Space Live Olympiad is a paperless and technology-driven competitive exam for school students. This Olympiad is termed as “Live” because the tests are conducted on “Tablets” and similar to an electronic score board in a cricket match, it produces real-time test results and analytical performance reports, immediately after the completion of an Olympiad exam.
About GOF
Green Olympiad Foundation is a non-profit organization formed by a group of eminent Educationists and technology specialists from across the country to promote Paperless Assessment using modern computing technology (Tablets & PCs). The organization initiated Live Olympiad program in subjects of Mathematics, Science & Technology to identify young, brilliant minds, to stimulate their love towards subject knowledge and to carve a pathway that can lead them to a higher state of cognitive development.
Green Olympiad Foundation envisions to drive paperless automated testing initiatives that are environment friendly. To achieve this objective, the organization has made an automation breakthrough, to make the assessment life cycle in various scholastic areas more efficient, effective and engaging.
Grand success of Abhinav
Around 900 students from Abhinav appeared for this exam at first level. All of them got excellent marks and among them nearly 700 students appeared for second level and came out as winners with certificates and watches. This was indeed a proud moment for our school and parents also.